Dental veneers generally consist of tooth surface veneers produced from porcelain materials. There are two different types of dental veneers. These species are; metal-supported and non-metal-supported coatings. Zirconium veneers are in the category of dental veneers that are preferred for more aesthetic purposes. This zirconium tooth is a preferred treatment method to create aesthetic tooth veneer, that is, smile aesthetics. The point where zirconium dental veneer differs from other types of veneers is that the veneer is produced from zirconium material. Zirconium material is a type of veneer that is preferred in tooth making, is white in color and can be applied by turning into a ceramic called zirconium instead of using it in pure mineral form and baked to increase its durability. Zirconium veneer is in the category of coating without metal support. Zirconium veneers have a more durable and more aesthetic appearance than metal-supported veneers.


Dental veneer treatments can be applied by choosing veneers produced from different materials. Zirconium veneers are also produced from zirconium material and can be given as an example of dental veneers. Zirconium dental veneer is applied to patients by following the steps below;

During the first examination, factors that threaten dental and oral health are detected.

The tooth is thinned with local anesthesia. At this stage, the circumference and ends of things become thin.

Teeth and mouth are cleaned and sterilized.

Mouth and tooth measurements are taken.

When the teeth are thinned, temporary veneers are placed because there will be no aesthetic appearance in the mouth.

For the zirconium veneers, the patient and the physician determine the tooth color.

Within a period of 5 days to 7 days, zirconium veneers are made ready.

Prepared zirconium crowns are fixed to the patient's teeth.

After these procedures are completed, it is necessary to be examined by your dentist every 6 months.


Zirconium dental veneers can be categorized as the most preferred aesthetic dental treatment method by dentists. The advantages of this aesthetic treatment can be listed as follows;
– It gives the patient an aesthetic smile.
– It offers the closest option to the existing tooth color.
-Since there is no metal-based tooth veneer, it does not show an allergic reaction in the human body.
– Since it is compatible with the dental tissue, it does not cause bruising or discoloration on the gums.
– Gum recession does not occur.
– When zirconium veneers need replacement, they can be replaced without damaging the underlying tooth.
– Zirconium veneers can be applied to patients of all ages.
-The veneers are long-lasting and durable and therefore can be used for many years.
– After some oral and dental problems are treated, zirconium veneers can be applied easily.


Are zirconium veneer teeth long lasting?
The lifespan of zirconium veneers varies according to the patient’s use. However, it is possible to say that it is long-lasting when compared to other veneer types.
Can patients who are allergic to metal get zirconium dental veneer treatment?
Since Zirconium veneer does not contain metal, it does not cause allergies in the human body, so patients with allergies can also have zirconium dental treatment.
Are there any disadvantages of zirconia dental veneer?
Zirconium veneers, it is not recommended by physicians to use it in patients with a wide range of teeth, since the coating is subject to breakage quickly.
How should zirconium veneer teeth be taken care of?
Teeth after zirconium veneer should be done in the same way as daily oral/dental care should be done. It is necessary to go to the dentist clinic regularly every 6-9 months.


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