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If the tooth decays are not treated in time, the decay progresses to the inner surface of the tooth, and depending on this progress, inflammation occurs in the nerves of the tooth. Root Canal Treatment can be preferred because inflammation in the dental nerve causes toothache. Root canal treatment is a preferred method of dental treatment for cleaning infected or decayed teeth, repairing teeth and restoring teeth. In root canal treatment, the tooth nerves are cleaned with the soft tissue called “pulp” located in the natural cavity in the root canals of the tooth, and the gaps opened on the tooth surface are closed with a filling and the process is completed. The most important point here is whether the cleaned dental nerve is beneficial for the tooth. These nerves are not very important for the tooth, but there is no harm in cleaning these nerves because it gives pain to the person.


Root canal treatment is a treatment method that can be applied by a dentist or endodontist. Endodontists are physicians who are experts in the soft tissue of the tooth, the “pulp” or diseases caused by nerves and how to treat these diseases, and are knowledgeable about treatment methods. Dentists and endodontists apply root canal treatment by considering the following stages. These stages can be listed as follows;


X-rays should be taken to see the shape of the root canals.

With this X-ray, if there is an infection in the root of the tooth, it is diagnosed.

The area around the teeth is anesthetized with local anesthesia.

It is important to keep the area around the tooth dry, that is, saliva-free.

The tooth is opened to access the root canal.

The inside of the tooth is cleaned through the drilled hole, the decayed tooth structure and “pulp” are removed from the tooth and the tooth is thoroughly cleaned.

After the tooth is cleaned, the hole opened in the tooth is filled with filling material as the last step.


Root canal treatment can be performed at different time intervals depending on the number of teeth to be treated, the caries in the teeth and the infection in the roots of the teeth. It is necessary to prefer different treatments according to the oral and dental conditions of some patients. However, to generalize this situation;
– If the infection in the tooth is very large, this treatment may take up to a week.
– If there is no deep infection in the tooth, the application time of an average root canal treatment can vary between 30 minutes and 90 minutes.

Usually the teeth can close after cleaning in 30 minutes to 90 minutes, but in some cases, the dentist may put a medicine inside the tooth to clean the tooth, so an extra week must be waited to close the tooth.


Root canal treatment has many advantages as it preserves the structure of the existing tooth. These advantages can be listed as follows.
– It gives the person the opportunity to chew efficiently.
– Normal bite power is not lost.
– The normal appearance of the teeth is preserved.
– Although the inside of the tooth is emptied, the tooth can fulfill its chewing, speaking and aesthetic functions.


How Long Does Root canal treatment take?
The duration of root canal treatment varies according to the number of teeth applied and the infection status of the tooth. If there is no serious infection, root canal treatment is applied in a single session. If there is a serious infection in the tooth, it may take two sessions.
Will there be pain after root canal treatment?
There is no pain in the tooth when the nerves of the tooth are removed during root canal treatment. However, the important issue here is the healing process of the tooth. During this healing process, there may be pain and tenderness during chewing.
What to do if toothache doesn't relieve after root canal treatment?

If the tooth continues to ache after root canal treatment, there may have been an error in the canal filling. In these cases, the root canal filling, called ‘retreatment’, is removed, the root canals are cleaned and then refilled.

How can the tooth be restored after root canal treatment?
If the root canal treated tooth is one of the anterior teeth or if minor material losses have occurred in the structure of the tooth, it can be restored with the filling method. Crowns can be used in the root canal treatment of the posterior teeth.
Is it necessary to use antibiotics before root canal treatment?
If the patient does not have a heart disease or diabetes health problem, there is no need to use antibiotics before root canal treatment. However, if these diseases are present, the patient can use antibiotics under the supervision of a doctor.
What should the patient pay attention to after root canal treatment?
If the patient feels pain after root canal treatment, they can use painkillers under the control of the doctor. Food should not be eaten until the numbness in the tooth goes away. Hard or sticky foods should be avoided and daily oral/dental care should be performed.


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