Invisalign treatment is in the category of orthodontic treatment method applied without dental braces. This treatment method is applied by choosing transparent, almost invisible plaques that patients can wear on their teeth instead of dental braces. Invisalign-transparent plaque treatment can be defined as orthodontic treatment using digital and technology. The biggest reason why this treatment method has been preferred in recent years is aesthetic concerns. Because dental braces are noticed by other people or stand out, patients undergoing orthodontic treatment do not like it and may therefore feel uncomfortable. However, Invisalign treatment method is not aesthetically bad, so Invisalign treatment is preferred, because the presence of transparent plaques is not obvious to other people.


Invisalign-transparent plaque treatment can be applied in the following cases;

Overbite; Invisalign treatment is preferred in cases of gingival problems caused by closure disorders in the jaw, or in cases of irritation in the gingiva, in cases where the closure of the jaw causes wear on the lower teeth.

The lower teeth are more anterior (Underbite); This treatment method is preferred in cases where the teeth in the lower jaw are ahead of the teeth in the upper jaw.

Open Bite; Invisalign treatment may be preferred in cases where this condition of the chin causes not speaking correctly or feeling pain while chewing.

Gapped Teeth; Invisalign treatment may be preferred for the treatment of spaces between teeth.


Invisalign transparent plaque treatment, which is the technological and digital form of orthodontic treatment, is in the category of frequently applied treatments day by day. As each treatment method is different, the application method of Invisalign treatment is different from other treatment methods. Invisalign treatment is applied as follows;
– A three-dimensional view of the inside of the patient’s mouth is obtained. There are basically two different methods for this. These methods can be listed as follows;
1- By using intraoral scanners, intraoral image can be taken.
2- With the silicone-based impression material, the patient’s tooth measurements can be taken.
– Obtained intraoral images are loaded into the software associated with the system by revealing their aligners.
– With the help of this software, the teeth are made clear with small movements on the transparent plaque.
– Transparent plaques compatible with the mouth obtained are given to the patient and the patient should pay attention to the application as recommended by the dentist.


Invisalig-transparent plaque treatment, in addition to the technology used in the production of transparent plaques, the patient must agree to use it as recommended by the doctor in order to obtain good results. Invisalign transparent plaques should be used as follows;

Plaques in different numbers are prepared according to the alignment of the teeth and the closure of the jaw. - Plaques in different numbers are prepared for the patients according to the alignment of the teeth and the closure of the jaw. While 5 to 10 plaques are given for patients with mild dental disorders, 60 to 70 plaques or more may be required for patients with very serious problems.

Transparent plaques must be attached to the teeth for at least 20 hours. It is recommended to remove only while eating.

It is recommended to replace these plates every 15 days and the treatment plan is made by the physician accordingly.

It is recommended to clean the plaques with warm water and a toothbrush every morning.

When the dentist makes a treatment plan, he informs the patient of the appointment dates and it is necessary to follow up the planned appointments regularly.


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