Pregnancy and Dental Health
Pregnancy is a period filled with significant physical and emotional changes to any woman’s body. Hormonal changes, organs readjusting, permanent and temporary body changes, and many more body negative modifications occur during pregnancy. The jaws, gums, and teeth are definitely involved in this turbulence. Visiting your dentist regularly and keeping dental hygiene to a maximum would be helpful when a woman is pregnant. Down below we mention some of the problems women face while being pregnant.
Dental problems related to pregnancy
Women can be under a lot of stress during pregnancy, however, the body adds its share of stress as well. Here we mention some of the problems & causes of dental problems during pregnancy.
Malnutrition: especially at the beginning of pregnancy, exposes women to losing important nutrients, which affects dental health.
Lack of dental care before pregnancy: this increases the severity of problems during pregnancy.
Weakened immunity: The weak immunity that a woman suffers from during pregnancy, causes bacteria to multiply and grow in the jaw and cause severe gum infections.
Teeth Sensitivity: Women with sensitive teeth are more prone to dental problems during pregnancy.
Pregnancy-induced Gingivitis: Gingivitis can be defined as the swelling of the gums due to an infection. If you find your gums bleeding, pregnancy induced gingivitis might be a culprit.
Gum Tumors: Some benign and harmless tumors may appear between the gums, as a result of the teeth plates rising. These tumors go on their own after pregnancy, or they might be removed surgically.
Vomiting: Pregnant ladies may vomit because of morning sickness or any other body-related reason. When vomit goes through the esophagus to the mouth, the stomach acid may erode the enamel layer on the teeth, making women’s teeth more vulnerable for deacy and/or damage.
Pregnant food cravings:Sudden food cravings during pregnancy can make women crave sweets and junk foods, which can propagate and cause teeth decay.
Losing a tooth while pregnant:There is no direct relationship between pregnancy and higher rates of losing a tooth, however, the adverse effects on a woman’s body during pregnancy makes her more vulnerable to losing a tooth.
Looking after your teeth
It can be challenging for a pregnant woman to keep up with daily dental hygiene habits, since she will be required to keep up with new and more challenging habits to take care of the baby growing inside her. However, we listed below some of the habits a pregnant lady can follow to keep dental problems abay. The advices are as follows:
- Brush your teeth well, on average, three times a day.
- Pay attention to the use of dental floss after meals.
- For women with sensitive teeth, take into account the use of a toothbrush and a toothpaste suitable for sensitive teeth.
- Use a natural mouthwash made up of water and salt daily to maintain oral health.
- Pay attention to drinking plenty of water daily.
- Eat fresh vegetables and fruits, to sustain important minerals and vitamins.
- Pay attention to the intake of compensatory calciums after consulting a specialist / family
- Visit the dentist regularly for a cleaning session and an oral checkup at least once every 6 months. Ask your dentist to modify your diet / supplement plan to match your needs during pregnancy.
Pregnant with a toothache ? No need to worry anymore !
Our dental specialists in Turkey are ready to answer every question you have regarding your pregnancy related issues. You can book an appointment with us after your pregnancy to check up on your dental needs. Contact us at your convenience to get a consultation about your next dental procedure.